A 1-year mentorship/mastermind with Todd Herman.

Complete the Right Fit Form

Imagine if you could ask Todd a new question every week. And get a custom-to-you answer…

Imagine if you could stop guessing, stop going it alone, stop trying to juggle a half-dozen wrong things and instead have Todd tell you, “This is the right thing. Do this. Stop doing that.”

What could performance coaching from the world’s leading performance coach unlock for you and your business? And why shouldn’t you get access to that?

“When I started working with Todd, I was working 80-hour weeks, and in control of everything. Within six weeks, I was down to 36 hours, and within a year broke through $10,000,000 in sales. He’s world-class at finding and removing blockers.”
- Gary Nealon, E-Commerce Founder
RTA Cabinet Store, Sold for 8-Figure Exit


Introducing Champions

The Small-Group Mastermind Where Entrepreneurs Like You Refine and Grow a Dominant Brand in Your Market, While…

  • Smashing Goals of $750k, $1.5M or $3M in Revenue…
  • Designing the Business Model that’s absolutely perfect for you…
  • Establishing an unmatched Thought Leadership Brand…

“Helping Entrepreneurial-Achievers become Champions.”
Todd Herman

Todd, Am I Right For This?




“My friends told me that coaching was a scam. Thankfully I didn’t listen. Within three months I "re-built my culture, implemented the 90 Day Year performance system, and in the first quarter of the next year, we had to reset our yearly goals, because we smashed them.”

- Joseph Heller, Founder
The/Studio, Largest Venture-Backed Black-Owned Start-Up

You Don’t Need
Beginner’s Advice.

You’ve already subscribed to enough newsletters, read enough books, even paid for coaching from someone with the ‘perfect plan for you to duplicate.’

You know that you don’t need someone stuffing a hundred tactics or strategies down your throat. Or barking at you ‘to stay focused.’

You know that you won’t rise to the next level by doing what so many entrepreneurs do: they look around at what others are doing and simply play the game of Swipe, Copy, Paste. It’s a losing game. But they don’t find that out until it’s much too late…

You already know so much. That’s what got you here.

What you don’t yet know is how to avoid the many traps set by advice created by and meant for beginners…

Casual attire and just-moved-in chaos aside, that video clip is a taste of what you’ve been looking for…

It’s about designing a ‘field of play’ that others don’t have the discipline, support, or framework to create. Because:

You and I Live in a Competitive World That’s Become Noisier and More Average

I’ll bet you can name ten other businesses or people that do something similar to you right now. Think about these stats:

  • Over 5,044,748 new businesses were started in the United States alone in 2022. (Source: US Census Bureau)
  • The Consulting industry saw significant growth and in just the ‘management consulting’ niche there are over 810,000 consultants in the U.S. (Source: Statista)
  • A.I. is expected to replace 240,000 jobs in the U.S. in the next few years. (Source: Forrester Research)

More businesses are getting started, niches are getting saturated, and A.I. is dramatically shifting the business landscape.

However, you’re in an excellent position because you’ve already
found traction in your business by breaking into the six-figures or millions.

That’s a major achievement, so congratulations! But this rapidly changing business environment demands we play a different game than others play. Let them:

  • Hustle every day to keep up,
  • Remain scattered and unfocused,
  • Be overwhelmed with the changes,
  • Constantly deal with fluctuating sales or even
  • Have watered down brands with no influence or reach.

Champions do none of the above.
Instead, Champions:

  • Prioritize simplification and discipline over a ‘guru-savior’ – doing the right work is how you unleash stored energy.
  • No longer wear the ‘badge of busy’ – you want to unlock calm and consistent growth.
  • Have achieved product-market fit and simply need to dial into the best area to dominate.
  • Have left noisy communities with newbie questions so far behind, you can’t even see them in the rearview. You value getting in, grabbing the goods, and taking action.
  • Test and try new things. You desire more ideas for better, richer, faster experiments.
  • Seek the frameworks, systems and processes that stack like bricks under your business, lifting it to the next tier of success.
  • Are put off by typical “lambo bro” values – you want to lead your business and personal brand with your true values, not with stuff.
  • Don’t hide! You want to truly own your corner of the market, attract unparalleled opportunities, and discover what you’re truly capable of.

Champions belong in Champions.

Champions is my first-ever mentorship + mastermind. Its roots grew from over 27+ years of elite performance coaching… writing an international bestseller, The Alter Ego Effect… creating the category of Identity-Based Performance… and selling multiple businesses.

I created it for entrepreneurs I knew but wasn’t able to coach directly. You see, I’m blessed to have a waitlist of athletes and C-levels seeking private coaching with me – and because of that demand, my clients invest more than six figures a year to work with me 1:1. It’s great, but I want to help more entrepreneurs reach success in the early stages, the years when you’re likely to give up if things don’t go well – the years you desperately need a coach. A coach like me.

Perhaps you found me when you joined 36,000+ people in my program, the 90 Day Year™. Or perhaps you say me featured as an Inc. 500 Fastest Growing Company (#1 for its category in NY state). You may even have learned about me because somewhere, somehow you discovered I run a three-time Stevie award-winning training company of the year.

Whatever the case, I trust that you’re here because you’re ambitious, you have a deep desire to lead your life, and you value your time. You know what you’re capable of. What you need is mentorship and a few clever systems to draw out the next level of achievement that’s waiting under the surface…

If that’s true for you, you may be
our next Champion.

Champions is the Mentorship & Mastermind for entrepreneurs serious about building a business they love.

No fancy “this is how we did it and so can you” flavor-of-the-day program. You are in the wrong place if that is what you are looking for.

We aren’t here to teach you a ton of content you will forget shortly after and never implement.

We are here to help you focus on the role and activities that your business needs from you. We don’t add to your list of things to do. We actually concentrate on subtracting – the key to Peak Performance.

As a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) who has been CFO of and consulted with) multiple 7, 8, and 9-figure businesses, I know the importance of focusing on the right things. Perhaps even more critical to business success is getting the guidance and mentorship to not make big, time-wasting, and expensive mistakes.

In Champions, we use the engine of Todd’s 90 Day Year Program, the Principles outlined in Todd’s best-selling book The Alter Ego Effect, and many models and first principles thinking to tailor a customized program for your success.

Look at us and your peers as your own personal Board of Directors. Todd and I have been coaching entrepreneurs and athletes for a long time. That type of experience can’t be learned by reading it in a book. That kind of guidance can accelerate your success exponentially! Our expertise and mentorship will help you get a competitive advantage.

We will love to work with you if you’re serious about building yourself and your business into championship-level performance.

Dave Cooper CPA
Head of Coaching

With Champions, win at the Inner Game,
the Strategy Game and the Execution Game…

Miss out on mastering your Inner Game (Attitude, Identity, Decision Making) and you can burn yourself out. Miss out on the right Strategy Game, and you’ll end up playing someone else’s game, and create a business/entrepreneurial career you hate. And miss out on the Execution Game, and you’ll be left with a bunch of unfinished projects.

Plus you’ll severely limit opportunities and luck from finding you. Champions execute, however, the reason they execute so well is because the Inner, Strategy, and Execution Games are so aligned.

A Sports Performance Approach

In the world of elite athletics there are 7 core principles that ensure continuous & sustained growth & performance. We apply those principles in our coaching & mentoring style to ensure you stay out of the ‘Overwhelm Zone’ so many entrepreneurs and businesses get into.

This unique intersection of sports performance and business growth is what will help you tap into a new, simpler, and focused approach to growth.

You’re On A Mission

There are a lot of people dreaming about the life they want, but only a few gather
the courage to go after it.

You’ve already gotten your business past the ‘Struggle Zone’ of getting started. Congratulations, Not many do. However, there’s a completely different game you need to play to hit milestones of:

  • $1,000,000
  • $3,000,000
  • Becoming the leader in your market. And,
  • Truly enjoying the business you have, the impact you’re making, and what you’re known for.

If you’re ready to be bold, take action, and leave a mark, then Champions is the
place to make it happen

Complete The Right Fit Form And Reserve Your CALL

“Todd’s impact on my business has been nothing short of invaluable. He’s found blindspots I could’ve never found, and he’s always pushed me into the best version of myself. It’s been 7 years together and I’m not stopping anytime soon, because the results speak for themselves.”
- Chanie Wilschanski, Founder,
Schools of Excellence , #1 Training & Mentoring Company to Private Schools

“Todd Herman has not only impacted our revenues and business model, but his coaching and frameworks have increased our client satisfaction (NPS). He has this incredible balance of patience, strategy, and fun to work with. You will not regret the investment.”
- Rian Doris & Steve Kotler, Multi-NYT Bestseller & Founders
Flow Research Collective

“For the first time in my business, I am not the main driving force. It's all about the systems that Dave has been helping me put into place. My husband and I have a two week trip scheduled to Italy. I'll be completely incognito for two weeks. The business will just run without me. I'm not going to have to turn off the income that's coming in from it. And that's amazing. It's like I have my life back.”
- Dawn Prickett, Founder

The Champions 7™

I promised you private weekly coaching with me, Todd Herman.
And you’ll get that. But that’s just the beginning…

Podium Sessions with Todd™ (Weekly Office Hours)

The Champions group meets weekly (42 Sessions/year). Get real-time feedback on current projects. Get help to work through an important decision and strategic guidance on your most critical challenges, from a select circle of high-caliber peers and our seasoned head coach.

[Attendance to the group coaching sessions is the bedrock of Champions’ fastest-growing and most fulfilled members. ‘Podium Sessions’ allow you to get timely feedback or support on a pressing matter, and help accelerate the growth of your business.

These 2 hour sessions are a thoughtful space designed for genuine collaboration and growth, where camaraderie and expertise converge. Many members find these sessions the most invaluable part of the program.

“I love seeing a master coach at work (Todd).”

“The questions other people ask are exactly what I needed to hear.”

“Being able to hear what’s around the corner because someone else is slightly further ahead in one aspect of their business is calming!”

Value $15,000


A clear game plan mapping out the path to achievement for your business, with access to FOUR private coaching & strategy sessions a year.

Access to FOUR private coaching & strategy sessions a year to help set the clear direction of your business. These calls are 100% focused on you and you alone. Plus

  • Your mentor has (at minimum) already run or built a $25+ million business and operated in multiple markets.
  • Operates from the same 90 Day Year™ methodology. And,
  • 100% focused on customizing your growth playbook to you and your needs. (Business, Leadership, & Life are highly nuanced, and you’ll receive specialized advice.)

Value $10,000


Starting the week with certainty and purpose means getting more done and ensuring everything you do is aligned to your vision and goal, driving your business forward.

These sessions are held by our Head of Coaching, Dave Cooper. The purpose is to ensure your priorities are aligned with your goal, and you ‘Win The Week™.’

Note: It’s not shocking that our fastest growing $Million+ members have rarely missed a Monday session.

Value $5,000


Experience a curated community focused on what matters – meaningful connections, resource sharing and support. Champions members receive immediate access to the Champions-wide digital community.

“The 90 Day Year & Todd’s communities are always made up of the most values-driven, high-achieving, and good humans. It’s refreshing to be in them.” ~ Rob Kosberg, Author & Founder of Bestseller Publishing

Tap into Champions’ collective wisdom for anything that hits your plate. With a 92% engagement rate, Champions’ members, Dave, and Todd are always happy to jump in and offer support. Whether it’s just advice on who to hire or to let them know you’re in town and want to meet up, it’s an invaluable resource.

Value $5,000


Our in-person retreat is an investment in your network, well being and business success.: deepening relationships, fun, and personal/professional growth

Although we’re still early in our annual retreat planning, we can share that it will be a two-day luxury retreat in early autumn at a location in North America.

Value $10,000

A Highly Personalized Approach

When you join, you’ll go through a custom diagnostic that not only unpacks your business strengths and needs. You’ll also have a 360 diagnostic on your skills, unique qualities, and the areas in business that will burn you out.

Beyond your onboarding experience, you’ll get personalized advice based on YOUR goals, needs, and situation the entire time you’re in Champions. You’ll often hear one member get completely different advice than you received. Why? Because while principles are universal, your unique situation demands a personalized approach.

Personalization is the cornerstone of creating a business you love.

Value $10,000


Members of our Champions community get exclusive Insider pricing on additional private 1×1 coaching with Todd. This could be used for deeper strategy sessions with the member or their team.

Value (up to) $12,500


“Todd has one of the most diverse and high quality networks I’ve ever come across.”
~ Gary Nealon, 8-Figure Ecomm Entrepreneur

An unfair advantage in business is having access to the right relationships. Whether it’s doors getting opened, introductions made, or finally getting the perfect vendor or supplier to help. Obstacles to growth don’t need to be conquered by grit and hard work all the time, sometimes you just need the right connection.

Value $10,000 [MIN]


If you are generating at least $25k a month and want to Simplify your business, Refine your Strategy, and Create greater Influence, click below to apply for a spot inside CHAMPIONS.

Complete The Right Fit Form

“Before working with Todd, I worked on a million things simultaneously, and nothing got my full attention. He’s such an expert at mindset & mental toughness that he massively shifted my perspectives on myself & my business. Now, I have a full-time team and systems that run my growing business. He’s all about action.”
- Amy Porterfield, NYT Bestselling Author, Podcast Host & Founder
Digital Course Academy

“We were a fast-growing company and everything had the chance to break. Todd happened to speak at our event, and when he walked off stage, I said, “I need to hire you.” From the very first session with Todd, there was a clear strategy and action plan. His frameworks help to simplify and clarify thinking. And the results were a year of 841% growth. His value is massively front-loaded.”
- Matt Clark, Founder
Amazing Co., E-Commerce Training Company

Here’s our
Champions Promise:

We’ll Help You Design the Field of Play, Right For You,
Right Now, and then become #1 on it…

Exciting Milestones

$1M,$3M,$5M Revenue – 40/30/20 Hr. Weeks

The Right Fit

Design the Business Model Right for YOU

Disciplined Strategy

Hit Goals. Complete the Right Projects. Stay Aligned to Your Vision.

Focused Execution

Build Systems. Create Leverage. Get Quality Work Done.

Inner Game Mastery

Showing Up Like a Powerful Driven, & Focused Leader. AKA The Champion

Complete The Right Fit Form And Reserve Your Call

“Before coming into Champions, I had lots of ideas, and didn't always execute on one at a time. I didn’t have clarity, direction, or the ability to say “No” to all the shiny objects. Having the structure, support and accountability in Champions has been very helpful to overcome that. From a sales and revenue standpoint, it’s around 8x in growth in over 2 years since we started. There’s been pretty substantial growth in our ability to create systems, sell, market, and have the whole business not so reliant on me.”
- Cassidy Preston, Performance Coach and Speaker

Let the coaching begin.


  1. Complete the ‘Right Fit’ Form & Book A Call To Discuss
  2. Click the button on the page, and fill out your information.
  3. Book a time in the next few days to see if we’re a right fit.
  4. Our Director of Programming will have a quick conversation (15-30 minutes) to get a clear picture of your goals, and answer any questions.
  5. We’ll direct you to the program that’s right for you. Sometimes it’s not a fit, and that is fine. We want what’s best for YOU. So we’ll always come back with recommendations, even if that doesn’t include us. We play the long game.